Friday, June 18, 2010

Lesson 2 > Novelty, Creativity, innovation and Invention

Posted by Stanley

Novelty (derived from Latin word novus for "new") is the quality of being new. It also refers to something novel; that which is striking, original or unusual. The term can have pejorative sense and refer to a mere innovation.

Innovation is a change in the thought process for doing something, or the useful application of new inventions or discoveries.

An invention is a new composition, device, or process. An invention may be derived from a pre-existing model or idea, or it could be independently conceived in which case it may be a radical breakthrough.

Thus, we know that novelty, innovation and invention are linked together when it comes to the final. The novelty means being new, and the innovation is the way to make a changes, when both exists, it comes to the invention which is derived from a pre-existing model or idea ( innovation). The innovation would not appear if there is no novelty, and the invention is not seen if there is no existence of innovation.


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